Solar System
Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity – the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; dwarf planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids ~ NASA
Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) close up
24.October 2023
Camera: Canon 2000D
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Integration time: 51min - 123x20sec
Stacked in DeepSkyStacker and edited in Photoshop

Sunspots AR3590 24.02.2024
24.February 2024
Camera: ZWO ASI183MC PRO
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Edited in AutoStakkert and Photoshop

Partial Lunar Eclipse
28.October 2023
Camera: Canon 400D
Telescope: 1200/254 Sky-Watcher Dobson
Integration Time: best 85% of 80 frames (80x1/800sec)
Edited in AutoStakkert and Photoshop

The planet Saturn and its moons
10.August 2023
Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Integration Time: best 30% of 3000 frames
2x Barlow Lens
Edited in Registax

Change in angle at which we see Saturn's rings
Camera: IphoneX, ZWO ASI183MC PRO and ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo and Sky-Watcher 254/1200mm Dobsonian
2x Barlow lens
Made in DaVinci Resolve

Timelapse of the Green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
29.January 2023 20:32 - 22:34
Camera: ZWO ASI183MC PRO
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Filters: Binorum Dark-Sky 2" and ComaCorrector 0.9x Sky-Watcher
Guiding: ZWO Mini Guide Scope, ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
The Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
29.January 2023
Camera: ZWO ASI183MC PRO
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Integration Time: 192x30sec
Filters: Binorum Dark-Sky 2" and ComaCorrector 0.9x Sky-Watcher
Guiding: ZWO Mini Guide Scope, ZWO ASI 120MM Mini
Edited in Photoshop

The Jupiter
19.July 2021
Camera: ZWO ASI183MC PRO
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Frames: best 60% of 5000 frames
Seeing: 80%
2x Barlow Lens
Edited in Registax

The Saturn
24.July 2022
Camera: ZWO ASI183MC PRO
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Frames: best 60% of 5000 frames
Seeing: 80%
2x Barlow Lens
Edited in Registax

Asteroid 1999 RB152 near M16
1999 RB152
19.July 2022
Camera: ZWO ASI183MC PRO
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Timelapse: 1h
Filters: Binorum Dark-Sky 2" and ComaCorrector 0.9x Sky-Watcher
Edited in DaVinci Resolve

The Saturn
8.July 2021
Camera: Iphone X
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 254/1200 Dobsonian
Frames: best 15% of 7200
Seeing: 70%
Edited in Registax

Europa casting shadow on the Jupiter
28.July 2021
Camera: Iphone X
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 254/1200 Dobsonian
Frames: best 7800
Seeing: 60%
Edited in Registax

The Moon
15.July 2021
Camera: Iphone X
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 254/1200 Dobsonian
Frames: 1
Seeing: 80%
Edited in Registax

Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard
3.December 2021
Camera: Canon EOS 5D mark II
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Integration time: 80x15sec​
Edited in Gimp

Mineral Moon
15.July 2021
Camera: Canon EOS 5D mark II
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 EQ3-2 GoTo
Frames: 45
Seeing: 60%
Edited in Registax and Gimp